
€59,95 €69,90
€59,95 €71,90
€64,95 €74,90

Intructions for bundles

Your questions, answered by our experts.

How do I combine multiple vitamins?

Relax, you can just take multiple GIMMY vitamins alongside each other. We can only suggest you stick to the recommended use of the gummy vitamins. See the below answers for more clarification.

Combining multiple gummies? Here's when you should take the supplements.

First of all, we want you to feel comfortable with the way you take your vitamins. It's a daily habit you create, and all we did is make the experience better.

Depending on the bundle of your choice, we would advice to follow the instructions of the individual supplements in each bundle, and take them alongside each other. Let me explain:

  • If you choose for the Productivity Bundle, GIMMY Energy and GIMMY Focus could both be taken in the morning and after lunch time. Just take them together, so 2 in the morning, and 2 after lunch, 4 in a day!
  • If you choose for the Zen Bundle, take 1 GIMMY No Stress in the morning and 1 after lunch, and take 2 GIMMY Deep Sleep before bedtime.

If you've experienced the power of our supplements, and like many have decided to go for the full range of products: no fear, taking 8 gummies per day is perfectly fine! Follow the above advice for each product and you'll be a different person in no time.

Do they work well together?

Yes, they do. Our gummy vitamins are in fact made to be combined.

Together with our experts, we created the supplement recipies with this in mind, meaning there is no overlap in ingredients and ingredients increase each others' effectiveness.

Will the effects mix up or counter each other?

Our job is to keep you at peace. So first of all, our answer is no.

There's more to it however,

  • At least not if you take the gummies as suggested on our packaging and website. So if you don't exceed the daily suggested dosage of each product.
  • If you take the gummies at irregular moments or moments in which the vitamins are not meant to be taken, such as taking 2 GIMMY Deep Sleep when waking up, the effects could be minimized. Follow the advice on when to take the gummies, and feel the effects that our supplements are made for.
  • Our gummies contain dosages that support you and your mind in a sustainable way. The gummies are not booster products. That means that the effects are not significant if you only take 1 or 2. The power of our gummy vitamins is in the daily intake and sustainable use.

How much do I save by bundling?

Depending on the bundle of your choice, you save at least 14% on your one-time purchase.

Choosing monthly deliveries on a bundle however will add another 15% of discount. You can save up to 30%!

Why bundle?

Bundle benefits

The best of GIMMY vitamins

  • Discounted price
  • Perfect for your daily needs
  • Complementary ingredients
  • Free shipping