De grootste fout die men maakt wanneer ze in slaap willen vallen — Wetenschappelijke oplossing getest
Wellness Hub

De grootste fout die men maakt wanneer ze in slaap willen vallen — Wetenschappelijke oplossing getest

by Felix Tikkanen on Aug 31, 2023

Trying to fall asleep and your mind races. “Should've done x, could've said y, forgot to do z”

You pick up your phone to quickly note something or message someone. And try again. Still unable to fall asleep. So you just watch one YouTube video so that you can fall asleep easier, have some background noise. And finally at 1am when it's way too late; you fall asleep.

Sound familiar?

That was my exact situation a year ago before I started my journey to perfect sleep. I started with the obvious, falling asleep.

I wanted to fall asleep like a baby.

And now, I finally can. The solution wasn't easy to find, but it's very simple. First you need to understand why being unable to fall asleep is detrimental to your health.

You could be getting so much more sleep but instead you're spending your precious time trying to fall asleep. It's ridiculous. It's like spending half your work time commuting instead of actually working.

Imagine if you could get the maximum amount of sleep out of your time in bed. And not just any kind of sleep, you want the quality.

People often sedate themselves to sleep with alcohol or sleeping medications. Sedation is not sleep! You're never entering the qualitative sleep your body and mind needs to recover.

The only thing you need to fall asleep quickly naturally.

And everyone overcomplicates this step. People overcomplicate how you will get qualitative sleep. They give you these impossible routines to follow. As if any sane person would do all those things.

By the way, if you fall asleep relatively fast, your chances at a good quality night will increase significantly.

You just need three small things to fall asleep quickly in a natural way . Your body uses these 3 things in order to better prepare itself for sleep.

It takes less than 5 seconds to use all 3 things. It's fun and easy to incorporate into your night time routine. Heck, it's not even a part of your routine, it takes 5 seconds.

By reading this article, you will:

  • Learn the Rediscovered Scientifically Balanced Formula that Guarantees Perfect Sleep
  • Get Insider Tips from Experts on Achieving a Restful Night's Sleep in No Time
  • Learn the Shortcuts to Achieving Quick and Deep Sleep
  • Fall Asleep Like a Baby, Night after Night
  • Gain Access to Insider Secrets for Quick and Deep Sleep
  • Get Access to the Blueprint for Effortlessly Falling Asleep
  • Learn Quick Techniques for Deep, Restorative Sleep
  • Expert Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Like a Baby

You'll receive all that entirely for free. I detailed everything you need to know to not only fall asleep quickly, but also stay asleep and get good quality of sleep. Read this article to finally get the sleep you know you deserve: This Scientifically Balanced Formula Guarantees Perfect Sleep

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Kan ik je helpen?

I'm Simon, the Co-founder of GIMMY.

If there's anything I can help you with, a question, some feedback, let me know.