How Feeling Exhausted Is Ruining Your Life — Scientific Solution to Daytime Fatigue
by Felix Tikkanen on Aug 30, 2023
The alarm goes off and you hit the snooze button, hoping that those extra minutes of sleep will somehow cure your exhaustion. Every day starts with dragging yourself out of bed , still feeling tired even though you slept all night. As you go through your morning routine like a zombie, you can’t help but yearn for a solution (SPOILER: keep reading for the solution).
Despite the hopeful thinking, you feel like a zombie until that first cup of coffee finally hits your system. You enjoy it for a while, before the inevitable crash comes later - leaving you feeling exhausted again.
The commute is that little moment for yourself. You’ve thought about making it more productive, but who has the energy at that moment ? At work, you watch the clock tick away, counting down the moments until your next break.
The idea of having a secret supply of energy that doesn’t come with any nasty side effects lingers in the back of your mind. You’ve tried some pills, but didn’t like taking them. The crash afterwards was even worse than coffee.
The worst thing your boss can do is schedule important meetings or presentations in the afternoon. Your eyelids grow heavy and you find yourself falling asleep, fighting to stay awake and alert. You can’t help but wonder if there’s a way to keep your brain sharp without the crash of energy that often follows.
The day stretches out and you long for an afternoon nap . Unfortunately, that privilege is for someone else, responsibilities keep you focused. Finally, you go to bed at night, hoping for rest. Yet your brain does not cooperate - it runs with thoughts, worries and plans. How?! Tired all day, but now you can't fall asleep.
The solution isn't even that difficult.
By fixing one thing, you can change this whole cycle . If you just had energy all day long, everything would just come together. You would do more during the day, which would make you more tired. And that would greatly improve your sleep, which would give you more energy.
And there you have it, you are in the positive cycle instead of the negative cycle. Your life just gets better.
Now everyone knows that caffeine is not the fuel we need. It is a nice quick fix, but that is all. You need sustained energy throughout the day.
You need a way to optimize your body's natural ability to produce energy. That's the only way the positive cycle will work.
In a positive cycle you will:
- To be filled with more joy than yesterday
- Enjoy a refreshing and energetic feeling
- Stay focused and uninterrupted all day long
- Keeping your energy levels steady and reliable
- Feel more alive and energetic all day long
- Have more energy for the things you love
- Keeping your energy levels high no matter what
I wrote this article which explains in detail everything you need to know to get into the positive cycle: Most people forget about this scientific method of getting energy naturally.
You will finally have the energy you deserve.

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