4 tips voor een betere nachtrust.
Wellness Hub

4 tips for a better night's sleep.

by Simon Dewaele on Jan 20, 2023

4 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

  1. Before going to sleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, you might naturally think that the problem starts when you first get into bed. In reality, the time before bed plays a crucial role in preparing you to fall asleep quickly and effortlessly. Changing these habits can take time, but the effort can pay off by making you feel more relaxed and ready to fall asleep as bedtime approaches. Try to create a consistent routine that you follow every night as much as possible, as this will help reinforce healthy habits and signal to your mind and body that bedtime is approaching.

  1. Adjust your sleep routine

Monitoring your daily sleep schedule is a powerful step toward better sleep.

  • Set a Regular Wake-Up Time: It’s nearly impossible for your body to get used to a healthy sleep schedule if you’re constantly waking up at different times. When setting your regular wake-up time, work backwards and identify a target bedtime. If possible, give yourself extra time before bed to prepare for sleep.
  • Be Careful With Naps : To sleep better at night, it is important to be careful with naps. The best time to nap is shortly after lunch in the early afternoon, and the ideal nap length is about 20 minutes.
  1. Sleep-inducing Bedroom

An essential tip for falling asleep quickly and easily is to make your bedroom a place of comfort and relaxation. When designing your sleep environment, focus on maximizing comfort and minimizing distractions, including with these tips:

  • Use a Quality Mattress and Pillow: The best mattress for your needs and preferences is essential to ensuring you are comfortable enough to relax.
  • Avoid Light Disruption: Too much light exposure can disrupt your sleep and circadian rhythm. Blackout curtains on your windows or a sleep mask over your eyes can block light and prevent it from disrupting your rest.
  • The ideal temperature can vary based on the individual, but most research supports sleeping in a cooler room.
  • Essential oils with natural aromas, such as lavender5, can provide a soothing and fresh scent for your bedroom.
  1. Pro-Sleep Daily Habits

A handful of steps you can take during the day can pave the way for a better night's sleep.
See the Daylight: Our internal clocks are regulated by exposure to light.

  • Make Time to Move : Daily exercise has general health benefits, and the changes it initiates in energy expenditure and body temperature can promote solid sleep. Most experts advise against vigorous exercise right before bed, as it can prevent your body from winding down before bed.
  • Monitor Your Caffeine Intake : Caffeinated beverages, including coffee, tea, and soda, are some of the most popular drinks in the world. Other beverages, such as alcohol, affect the brain in ways that can decrease the quality of sleep.
  • Don’t Eat Too Late : It can be harder to fall asleep when your body is still digesting a large meal. Avoid eating late at night and minimize fatty or spicy foods. If you need a snack in the evening, opt for something light and healthy, like a GIMMY Deep Sleep gummy.


Good sleep habits (sometimes called “sleep hygiene”) can help you sleep soundly. Some habits can improve your sleep health, so focus on consistency, go to bed at the same time every night; make sure your room is at a comfortable and relaxing temperature. Avoid blue screens before bed, such as laptops, TVs, and smartphones. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep easily at night. Finally, don’t forget your GIMMY Deep Sleep gummy and you’ll be fast asleep.

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