Melatonine brain
Wellness Hub

Melatonin: the hormone for healthy sleep

door Floris Biesemans op Feb 07, 2023

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain that is responsible for regulating your sleep-wake rhythm. It plays an important role in determining when you get tired and when you wake up rested. In this blog, we answer the most frequently asked questions surrounding melatonin to clear up any misconceptions.

How does melatonin work? 

The body makes melatonin when it is dark and stops production when it gets light. This process is regulated by the body's internal biological clock, which determines when it is dark and when it is light. When it is dark, the body makes melatonin and it flows to the brain, where it signals to the body that it is time to get tired and fall asleep. If you take a supplement with melatonin, it works on average 1 to 2 hours after it is taken. The effect of melatonin depends on several factors, including dosage and individual sensitivity to the hormone. On average, the effect of melatonin lasts about 5 to 8 hours, after which the level drops again.

How can you obtain melatonin?

The natural production of melatonin can be affected by factors such as changes in sleep patterns, exposure to screen light at night and travel across time zones. In such cases, you can obtain melatonin by taking it as a supplement. Melatonin supplements are available in many forms, including melatonin pills like melatonin gummies, and can help improve sleep quality and reduce sleep problems.

Can you have a melatonin deficient?

A lack of melatonin can lead to sleep problems because this hormone is responsible for regulating our sleep-wake rhythm. When we do not produce enough melatonin, we may have difficulty falling asleep, wake up frequently during the night and be tired and function worse during the day.
In addition, other health problems may also be associated with decreased melatonin production, such as increased stress, decreased resistance to infections, disruption of hormonal balance, increased risk of chronic diseases and disruption of circadian rhythms (i.e., a biological rhythm whose cycle lasts about 1 day). Did you know that our Deep Sleep gummies also contain melatonin? Read in our blog Sleep problems - what is it and how to get rid of it? How these gummies can help you solve sleep problems.

Is melatonin addictive?

Melatonin is not an addictive substance. No evidence has been found that melatonin is addictive or leads to dependence, even with long-term use. However, if you use melatonin for sleep support, it is wise to do so under medical supervision and to stop using it as soon as you no longer need it. Moreover, it is important to remember that melatonin is a hormone and its overuse can lead to unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommended dosage carefully.

Is melatonin safe?

Melatonin is safe. If you are pregnant or taking medication, it may be important to consult a doctor before starting to take a supplement. There is limited scientific information on the safety of melatonin during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid using it without medical approval.

Are you a morning type?

The term "chronotype" refers to a person's biological clock and how it relates to daily sleep and wake patterns. Based on this, there are three main chronotypes: morning type, afternoon type and evening type.
- Morning type: these individuals feel energetic in the morning and tend to wake up early in the morning and fall asleep early in the evening.
- Afternoon type: these persons feel most energetic in the afternoon and tend to wake up in the afternoon and fall asleep late at night.
- Evening type: these individuals feel most energetic in the evening and tend to wake up late at night and get up late in the morning

The production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, depends on our biological clock. In morning types, melatonin is produced at night in the early hours, while in evening types production begins later in the evening. Afternoon types tend to have a less period-related production of melatonin. Proper production of melatonin is important for good sleep quality because the hormone helps regulate sleep patterns. Therefore, it is important to maintain a sleep routine that matches your chronotype so that your body can produce the right amount of melatonin and you can have a good night's sleep.
Read more about sleep problems in this blog.

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