Productivity is easy! #1 method to become more productive
by Felix T on Jul 29, 2024
Do you often feel tired and therefore unable to concentrate ? Productivity Don't worry, there are solutions to become more productive.
I often find myself yawning in the middle of the day and feeling exhausted for no apparent reason , my concentration goes away and I suffer from an energy dip. How do I become more productive?
When our energy levels drop, it’s tempting to reach for a cup of coffee . For many, it’s even a ritual. But while coffee may give you a temporary boost , the familiar afternoon slump sets in. Suddenly, you feel tired, unmotivated and unable to concentrate . Another cup of coffee? Unfortunately, coffee only makes your slump worse , so it’s better to take a different approach.
We focus on the core of the problem: feeding your brain with essential nutrients. This allows you to stay sharp , even on long and challenging days. Scientific research backs every ingredient in our unique formula.
Tips to work more productively
- Building a routine: Set a daily routine and stick to it.
- Healthy environment : Create a tidy and inspiring workplace.
- Time blocking: Set aside specific blocks of time for work, relaxation, and household chores.
- Digital detox: Limit screen time and spend more time on offline activities.
- Healthy living: Get enough sleep, exercise and a healthy diet.
Do you notice that you been sleeping less well lately ? Your sleep quality has a big influence on your energy level and concentration span . Fortunately, you can solve this in no time, without drastically changing your lifestyle .
Three pharmacists developed a unique and natural formula which will give your sleep quality a huge boost.
But, there's something else...
Your body sometimes has trouble getting all the energy from your food . If your body does not efficiently absorb the nutrients in your food , you will not have the desired effect.
Fortunately, there are natural substances that can support you in this, so that you can feel wonderful in your skin again.
Active ingredients that energize your body and ensure a productive day
⚡ More energy
1. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is the most important vitamin for your body to get more energy from your food . This vitamin is only found in animal products , making this a very popular supplement for vegans.
2. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 improves your cognitive function , reduces fatigue and improves your mood. Vitamin D3 ensures that your intestines absorb substances such as magnesium better . It also strengthens your immune system , so that your body has to put less energy into fighting disease.
3. CoQ10
Coenzyme Q10 occurs naturally in every cell and is essential for energy production in your body.
Our body produces CoQ10 itself, but often insufficiently. A large number of vitamins are needed for this (such as the one above). Science shows that an amount of 100 mg per day , noticeably increases your daily energy.
4. Ginseng root
Ginseng is a Korean plant whose root has an energy-boosting effect . There are no foods that naturally contain ginseng. Ginseng is often added to supplements, energy drinks or food. The plant is known for its ability to reduce fatigue and promote energy and focus.
🔍 More focus
1. Ashwagandha: The Wonder Medicine of Antiquity
It was the go-to medicine in Indian, Chinese, and Arabic traditional medicine. Ashwagandha is known for its stress-relieving properties, but in several studies it has also proven itself as a concentration booster. It is an ancient herb that has been used for centuries, and now its effectiveness has also been confirmed by modern science.
2. L-Tyrosine: for mental acuity
It helps you alert and focused to stay alert, even under stress. This amino acid plays a crucial role in the production of neurotransmitters essential for mental clarity. It works for up to 8 hours.
3. Folic acid: building block for the brain
Folic acid is essential for the brain function and plays a role in mental and emotional health . It supports the memory and the speed of information processing .
4. Korean Ginseng: The Koreans' Miracle Medicine
This root is known for its ability to energy to give and fatigue at reduce . Perfect for long work days or study sessions.
5. Vitamin B12: supports brain function
Without Vitamin B12 you can't even function. It gives you the necessary capacity to to be able to concentrate . That is why it is best to take this together with the other 4 substances.
The easiest solution for more energy and focus
Supplements are generally not a fun habit because:
- you forget to take them;
- they often taste bad ;
- they are irritating to swallow ;
- they are not even that effective , because their absorption could be better.
When you don't experience something as fun, it's harder to keep it up. That's what we want to change.
In my previous job, it became a habit to have to fight sleep during afternoon meetings to stay focused . I almost fell asleep sometimes, and that did not go unnoticed by some...
I was fed up with it, so I started drinking coffee and energy drinks excessively. I also watched what I ate during lunch break; not too heavy or too fatty.
In addition, I decided to take supplements. Vitamins, minerals... I don't like taking capsules and actually have trouble with them. That's why I never stick to supplements in the end.
I was spending up to €80 per month on supplements!
I was looking for a fun, affordable and easy tool that offered everything I needed for a lasting result.
That turned out to be hard to find, so I decided to change tack and bring a solution to the market myself . That way I can help other people who have the same problem as I had before.
- Simon Dewaele, Co-founder
The solution: Gummies developed by pharmacists
That is why we spent 1 year developing our solution together with 3 pharmacists so that:
- you enjoy taking your supplement;
- you never forget them;
- you experience a gradual increase in your energy;
- the active ingredients are better absorbed into your body.
We have incorporated all of the above ingredients into a gummy, a supplement in the form of a candy.
Since health comes first, they are of course 100% sugar-free and vegan . This way, the GIMMY Gummies will keep your blood sugar levels stable, and it also does not stick to your teeth.
Our energy gummies and focus gummies will ensure that you feel energetic and focused again, can get much more out of your day and ultimately feel happier .
Say goodbye to afternoon slumps!
The Productivity Bundle
€71.90 €59.95
- Developed by pharmacists
- Sugar free and vegan
- Apple and tropical fruit flavor with superior texture
- 100% natural and effective
- With coenzyme Q10, Korean ginseng root, vitamin B12 and D3
- With ashwagandha, L-tyrosine, folic acid, Korean Ginseng root extract and vitamin B12

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